If Nintendo could do it with New Super Luigi U, then WHY on EARTH is this new DKCR wii u game even a full game? Oh but Retro, Retro YOU were working on something to blow our minds, right? tell us, is it Metroid? it is, isnt it? no wait, is it Starfox? no no no, is it FzZero? is it a NEW it’s a sequel to Donkey Kong Country Returns that could have been released as Wii DLC. Yay?Īnd the ‘mario 3d’ that we were looking forward to? Looks less impressive than the new 3dish Sonic game! 🙁 And as for it being Super Smash Bros, well we knew that was appearing or would sooner or later and it looks like we’re getting to more or less than just – eventually, whenever it comes. There’re so much that could be done with the character. But honestly it just highlights to me how sad and STUPID it is that he doesn’t have his own game/franchise. When will I learn? But they HAVE announced great stuff recently, sometimes randomly or off the cuff.and yet tonight, which I stayed up for and was pumped for…

I just…am so disappointed by the Direct in general.